This Thanksgiving is the first in 5 years we were able to spend with family. We've either been alone or with friends/adoptive family in New York. It was so great to see the kids play with their cousins and connect. Now that I'm 8 months pregnant it was certainly nice to have a break from cooking as well.
Thanksgiving Dinner at Grandma Pia's
The Big Cousins
One snowy night this week, Cy asked if he could "rock me". I thought he wanted to be rocked and very quickly he told me "NO! I rock you!" So I did my best to sit on him without crushing the little guy with my 8 month pregnant weight. He then put his hand on my stomach and started singing "La La Lu", which some of you know as the lulluby from Lady and the Tramp. These are the days I want to marry that boy.
A much needed (and rare) snuggle for sister
Friends & family watching the BYU/Utah football game